24 апреля 2025 года

Main Information

Северная Голландия

Noord-Holland is 4.091,76 km2 (10,15 % of the total surface of The Netherlands), the sixth largest province of the Netherlands. The number of inhabitants is 2.668.197 (16,2 % of the total population of The Netherlands). The Gross Regional Domestic Product of Noord-Holland of €88b is 17,7% of the Dutch GDP. The annual growth rate of Noord-Holland's GDP was 4,5% in the period 2000-2008, equal to the Dutch average.

The region is strongly internationally oriented. The area is increasingly confronted with international competition of other regions. In Noord-Holland, employment is highest in the services sector (77,9%, higher than the Dutch average of 72,1%); followed by the public administration sector (32,9%, slightly higher than the Dutch average of 32,4%). The lowest employment rates are in the sectors of construction (4,8%, lower than the Dutch Average of 5,9%) and in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (2% lower than the Dutch average of 2,9%,). Part of the well-developed services sector are Amsterdam Financial centre, the port of Amsterdam, Schiphol airport, Mediapark Hilversum and Greenport Aalsmeer.

The region of Amsterdam stands out because of its metropolitan environment and its international attraction to both entrepreneurs and tourists.

The port of Amsterdam (the 6 th largest port in Europe)is one of the most important junctions in European business for combined water, road, railway and air transport, with annual goods transhipments over 80 millions tons. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is the 5 th largest airport in Europe handles more than 46 million passengers and 1,5 million tonnes of cargo per year. Schiphol plays a crucial role as national mainport and economic motor of the region. Other strengths are the presences of high-quality clusters as Mediapark Hilversum (with most of the Dutch radio and tv activities) and Greenport Aalsmeer (with the world largests flower auction). The city of Amsterdam draws 1.6-1.9 million tourists per year.

The region has a strong innovation potential because of its highly educated labour force, its knowledge infrastructure and its world-renowned liberal spirit. The Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D in this province is 1.6% of ?1363,7m, which is below the national average of 1.83%.

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