24 апреля 2025 года

Main Information

The province of Friesland is the sixth largest province of the Netherlands (2.960 km 2, 8% of total Dutch area). It has 646.318 inhabitants (30-11-2009, CBS Stat line) (3.9% of total Dutch pop.). Its regional gross domestic product (GDP) of ?15b is 3% of Dutch GDP. [1] Annual growth rate of regional GDP was 3.8% between 2000-2008, which is below Dutch average for the same period (4.5%). [1] GDP per inhabitant (GDP/inh) of the region is below the Dutch average, which is above EU25 average, but below leading regions in Europe. Intraregional differences are relatively small. Most of the employment and business is concentrated in the 'A7' zone (from Sneek to Drachten following the A7 highway) and the 'Westergo' zone (from Harlingen to Leeuwarden).
Major sectors in Friesland are industry and energy supply, business services, and trade and repair, each accounting for 28%, 17%, and 11% of the total production (in ?) for 2006, respectively (' Economie in het Noorden'). With shares of approximately 7% of the overall production, the sectors building and transportation, storage and communication are next in line.
Of the Northern provinces' (Groningen, Friesland, and Drenthe) regional strengths, water is most prominently represented in Friesland. Companies in Friesland active in water technology are Pacques (water and gas purification), Spaans Babcock (waste water treatment plants and water management), Landustrie (pumps), and Vitens (supplier of drinking water). 30% of Dutch water technology exports are realised by companies in the Northern Netherlands, of which the majority is located in Friesland.
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